Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Top 10 Massively Multiplayer Online Worlds

According to GigaOm, World of Warcraft holds the record in their
Top 10 Most Popular MMOs.
The complete list includes the following:
1. World of Warcraft - 8.5 million subscribers (released 2004)
2. Habbo Hotel - 7.5 million active users (released 2000)
3. RuneScape - 5 million active users (released 2001)
4. Club Penguin - 4 million active users (released 2006)
5. Webkinz - 3.8 million active users (released 2005)
6. Gaia Online - 2 million active users (released 2003)
7. Guild Wars - 2 million active users (released 2005)
8. Puzzle Pirates - 1.5 million active users (released 2003)
9. Lineage I/II - 1 million subscribers (released 1998)
10. Second Life - 500,000 active users (released 2003)

Aside from World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and Second Life I haven’t heard of the other MMOs. I know Gaia Online but it’s supposed to be a message board or forum (practically the world’s largest message board according to BigBoards with 7,838,975 members).

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Techniques how to speed-up your "old computer"

There are many ways how to speed up even an old computer...

* overclocking

- cmos setting/motherboard jumper/overclocking utilities

* change the visual effects

- control panel -system properties

* add memory, if there are avaible memory slot

* check your video card

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Computer input devices

Input Devices
Input devices are things we use to put information INTO a computer.
Here are some examples of input devices.
Note: An APPLICATION is a type of computer program. Some applications are word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and games

* Camera - most cameras like this are used during live conversations. The camera transmits a picture from one computer to another, or can be used to record a short video.

* Compact Disc (CD) - CDs store information. The CD can then be put into another computer, and the information can be opened and added or used on the second computer. Note: A CD-R or CD-RW can also be used as an OUTPUT device.

* Keyboard - The keyboard is a way to input letters or numbers into different applications or programs. A keyboard also has special keys that help operate the computer.

* Mouse - The mouse is used to open and close files, navigate web sites, and click on a lot of commands (to tell the computer what to do) when using different applications.

* Digital Camera - A digital camera can be used to take pictures. It can be hooked up to a computer to transfer the pictures from the camera to the computer. Some digital cameras hold a floppy disk, and the floppy disk can be taken out of the camera and put directly into the computer.

* Drawing Tablet - A drawing tablet is similar to a white board, except you use a special pen to write on it and it's connected to the computer. Then the word or image you draw can be saved on the computer.

* Microphone - A microphone is used to record sound. The sound is then saved as a sound file on the computer.

* Scanner - A scanner is used to copy pictures or other things and save them as files on the computer.

* Disk Drive - A disk drive can hold a CD or a floppy disk. It reads the information on the disk so that the computer can use it.

* Joystick - A joystick is used to move the cursor from place to place, and to click on various items in programs. A joystick is used mostly for computer games.

* Touch Screen - A touch screen is a computer screen or other screen that you can touch with your finger to enter information. Examples of touch screens include a smart board, a microwave, a dishwasher, or an ATM at a bank.

* Bar Code Scanner - A bar code scanner scans a little label that has a bar code on it. The information is then saved on the computer. Bar code scanners are used in libraries a lot.

Intel versus Amd

Everyone today expect there computer to be fastest. They expect it to be rigged with the latest technology and the fastest chip. So which one will you go for? Choosing a chip for your computer is an arduous path up the hill. Should it be an AMD Athlon? Are Intel processors better performance oriented? Which processor should you go for? I’m not going to answer any of these, as it can be addressed only you. You need to determine what is dexterous for you under which circumstances. To determine this you may need to compare them on few parameters.

in my case i prefered to use amd !!
- less power consumption
- it's faster in terms of gaming
- it's multitasking
- its cheeper than intel