Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Top 10 Massively Multiplayer Online Worlds

According to GigaOm, World of Warcraft holds the record in their
Top 10 Most Popular MMOs.
The complete list includes the following:
1. World of Warcraft - 8.5 million subscribers (released 2004)
2. Habbo Hotel - 7.5 million active users (released 2000)
3. RuneScape - 5 million active users (released 2001)
4. Club Penguin - 4 million active users (released 2006)
5. Webkinz - 3.8 million active users (released 2005)
6. Gaia Online - 2 million active users (released 2003)
7. Guild Wars - 2 million active users (released 2005)
8. Puzzle Pirates - 1.5 million active users (released 2003)
9. Lineage I/II - 1 million subscribers (released 1998)
10. Second Life - 500,000 active users (released 2003)

Aside from World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and Second Life I haven’t heard of the other MMOs. I know Gaia Online but it’s supposed to be a message board or forum (practically the world’s largest message board according to BigBoards with 7,838,975 members).

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